Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Nativities made from wood

From Mali. Porduced  by Baptist pastors who worked at a wood shop called "Pedal Powered Projects". The electricity to power the saws was generated by someone pedaling a bike. All the pieces fit in the stable for storag.

Maasai  wooden nativity. Paid $5.00 for it at the Norfolk Flea Markxet. 
Back of Maasai nativity
The Massai is an  ethnic group of semi-nomadic people inhabiting southern Kenya and northern TanzaniaThe piercing and stretching of earlobes is common among the Maasai. Various materials have been used to both pierce and stretch the lobes, including thorns for piercing, twigs, bundles of twigs, stones, the cross section of elephant tusks and empty film canisters. Fewer and fewer Maasai, particularly boys, follow this custom.
Painted lightweight wood from Indonesia

Wooden free standing ornaments of unknown origin

German "Pyramid of Light" found in a thrift store. These are called "German Pyramids", Weinnachts pyramids and poor man's Christmas trees. They originated in the Erzebirge region of Germany. They were first made by minersof the area because they could not afford an actual tree. At first they were four poles and resembled a tree. At one time the pyramid was a symbol of light. It expressed the miners' wish for light. Now they have many forms are are very expensive.
A Secret Pal gift. Stands two feet tall.

Small commercial wooden nativity

"Push out" nativities. The two smaller ones were made by members of St Andrews UMC. The large one was found in a yard sale.

Earl Martin  (December 11, 1924-October 8, 2015)
Earl Martin is the father of our pastor's wife, Sandy Hemphill. One of his hobbies was woodworking. He and his wife, Peggy, would sell his work at local craft fairs. We first his work at the Greek Orthodox Christmas bazaar. We bought one nativity from him each year until we acquired .the first four. 

Made by Earl Martin
Earl Martin made this muisic box nativity from a church pew. This was his prototype and he gave it to us at one of our nativity open houses. The center section rotates while it plays music.

Carole added the blue felt background to make the figures stand out against a light wall. Although it is made to be free standing we hang

This is a child's play set. Each figure has a magnet glued on the bottom and the base has a corresponding magnet.

Stable by Earl Marble, Ceramic figures by Carole
Carole purchased the pattern and commissioned Earl Martin to make it for her.

Painted outdoor wooden nativity by Earl Martin


A nativity puzzle by Earl Martin.

Small wooden nativity found in a yard sale. Appears to be from another country.

Handmade ornament we got in Sydney, Nova Scotia.
Layered wooden ornament similar to large one below

Actually 4 layers to make one scene. Found in an after Christmas clearance sale.

An ornament meant to be painted but we like it unpainted.

Small nativity on the left are Bible Buddies from Group VBS.
Large nativity on the right was found at a craft market in the Port of Sydney, Nova Scotia. We met the man who made it. We also saw this handmade nativity at the National Cathedral. It was attributed to a different country. Carole saw the pattern for this nativity in a woodworking pattern catalog.

Handmade wooden nativity given to us by Bonnie and Gary Biggs.

Only 7" long. Found in Branson, MO in a craft mall. They had many nativities done in this style-it was hard to just choose one.

Small wall plaq
Found in a yard sale. Obviously damaged but Carole was attracted to it by Joseph's beard and hat.

Ornament found at a Christmas bazaar. Very difficult to display because not well balanced
Laser cut wood nativity found in a yard sale

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